Wednesday 17 May 2023

Away from the hubbub

 Kensington High Street on a Saturday morning is a noisy place...sirens wailing, horns blaring, crowds of people. I've always been quite sensitive to loud noises and the busyness of those around me and to stop myself becoming overwhelmed I need to be able to escape for a few minutes to recalibrate. London is an amazing city for this with all its quiet side street and intimate green spaces. 10 steps away from the main thoroughfare and I came across all this...two small public gardens, a row of very exclusive real shops where one could purchase a beautiful bridal tiara or a new handmade cravat and a row of imagined shops with a black cat. For ten minutes I was able to sit and then gently explore where I was before rejoining the throngs and making my way up to Kensington Gardens in pursuit of the Elfin Oak.

It is often the unexpected discoveries I make between my planned finds which bring me the greatest pleasure.


PS The artwork was commissioned by a resident who lived in the street in the 1960s. That's his daughter at the window and his pet cat!


  1. I love the painted store fronts! That's such a nice idea.

  2. London can be so full of surprises!


'The Prince of Darkness'

 Many famous people hail from Birmingham and of the crop of names, Ozzy Osbourne, aka 'The Prince of Darkness', is probably the one ...