Friday, 12 May 2023

Peter's Pence


Whilst I was waiting for the local Morris dancers to start in the church in nearby Rusper on May Day, I thought I'd have a quick mosey about. Hidden in plain sight was this unadorned plain looking 13th century oak chest. I admired the handmade ironmongery, but then noticed that it had this rather beautiful naive carved decoration on one of the ends with the linen fold panelling at the bottom. Murphy's Law dictates that I only had my basic phone camera with me as I wasn't expecting to take any photos that day. In the top there was a small slot for the "Peter's Pence". This was the money which every church had to cough up for the Pope in the pre Reformation days. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. We're working, but am hoping to have a small adventure during my lunchbreak. I'll  keep you posted!



  1. The number of people who have looked at that chest over the centuries sends a shiver down my spine. What an excellent spot. xxx

  2. I love anything with a bit of carving on it. That must have been fantastic when it was newly carved.

  3. Pre-reformation makes it very old doesn't it? How many pennies do you suppose would fit in it? Xxx Mr T

  4. Peter picked a peck of pences...


The January Man

I heard this song for the first time at our folk club recently. As we head out of January with the promise of some early signs of Spring dan...