Whilst everyone else is busy with all things witchy today, please allow me to take you back a few weeks to when it was my birthday. I dithered about what I wanted to do, but in the end I booked us in for a tour round one of those small National Trust properties which are only open on certain days and can only handle a small number of visitors. I'd had an idea that I'd like to pay a visit to the Monk's House over in East Sussex, so at long last we made it happen. I instantly fell in love with the interior of this mid 16th century weatherboarded house. It reminded me of something else, but I couldn't for the life of me pin it down. It finally came to me a few days ago...if anyone's familiar with the work of Kaffe Fassett it does seem to be along similar lines.
The life and adventures of a mildly dotty old bird.
Monday, 30 October 2023
At home with Virginia
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Another of those posts where I unashamedly bung together some of my random doings which don't merit a post of their own👻🍄🍁🍂💀
How about starting off with a few photos from a locally organised fungi walk my friend E invited me on. It was all a bit last minute as I had been due to go elsewhere, but my plans were cancelled. The upshot was that I only had my phone with me so the photos are not the best quality. The top ones were a real lilac hue when you saw them with the naked eye, but the colour didn't transfer across.
TYM has now settled well into his new flat in a new town. He's still working for the same people in London, but having secured a recent promotion, he only needs to go in once a week. It's probably just as well because they've just moved office and his commute in is almost two hours long. What this means though is that he spends a lot of time WFH so we've been having some chats about ways of meeting people and making friends. He's got some different things to try out and it's rather spurred me on to shake things up here a bit too. I don't like to get too settled routine wise, but baby steps and all that. This weekend I've been trying my hand at a couple of new veggie recipes. We've enjoyed cheesy crusted squash [I doubled the amount of breadcrumbs] https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/recipe/cheesy-crusted-squash, gingered chickpeas [slow cooker recipe] and flatbreads 140g SR flour [sifted] with 140g natural yogurt and 2 tbsp oil all mixed together and divide the dough into three. Roll out on a floured board and then fry in oil in a pan until each side is golden. Thankfully everything worked out well as I am a reluctant cook at the best of times and it doesn't take much for me to get stroppy in the kitchen😆 The flatbreads were so easy that I might even go wild and make them again. It looks like we're going to be showing TYM how to make them too as they're cheap and he's wanting to expand his repertoire.
As you might just have noticed it's all things Halloween again at the moment. I am always intrigued to see how the food manufacturers jump on the bandwagon in the supermarkets. Going to Tesco is never my most thrilling thing to do so I have made it my mission over the years to find small things which amuse me whilst there. On the journey over a few weeks back I spotted a jogger in full punk gear with a blue Mohican..I kid you not and at 7am on a Saturday morning. How about this for a rather tenuous link to the season. I presume they're pushing the garlic/vampire🧛connection here....I would imagine it will be appearing on the reduced shelf with a yellow sticker by the end of the week!
Like Christmas, this time of year provides a sticky beak like me with the perfect excuse to practise my nosiness. One of the local schools has been holding a Halloween trail near my parents' house so I might have ahem sneaked a couple of pictures before I started work. These are, of course, joined by the obligatory new post box topper.
That's enough chatter from me for today!
Thursday, 26 October 2023
There I was in the pub with my friend ordering us both a coffee when I just happened to glance across at the beam next to me....
Not what I was expecting and the only one in the building. The lady working behind the bar couldn't tell me who'd carved them either. Have a great weekend one and all!
Monday, 23 October 2023
Famous Walthamstow Exports
Whilst Walthamstow might be famous for the 1990s band "East 17", it was news to me that William Morris was born here in 1834. He is a man I have always greatly admired both for his work, but equally for his thoughts about social equality and his drive to bring fairness to all. He was from a wealthy family and he all too clearly understood the disparity between his ideals and the reality that only those with money could afford to buy the Arts and Crafts goods his interior decorating company were famous for. Throughout his lifre he slaved tirelessly both for his business and for his philanthropic endeavours. By the time of his death in 1896 his doctor was to say that the cause of his demise was 'simply being William Morris and having done more work than most ten men'. Part of my recent visit included a trip to the free William Morris museum which was his home from the age of 14 to 22.
Below are photos from both the gallery and a few images referencing him around the area. If you had never thought you would see a footie shirt in a Morris textile then you have now. Even the toilet doors haven't escaped the Morris decor!
Thursday, 19 October 2023
Mr Shaftspole
Back in this August post I wrote about the spoof art trail that someone had put up around the town centre https://gnatbottomedtowers.blogspot.com/2023/08/that-was-week-that-was.html. It caused much mirth for many of us, but some rather sourly were affronted by the whole thing and spent a lot of time removing the "exhibition" labels from many of the ugly things they adorned. Since then the plot has thickened and the supposed artist has stepped forward...he is one Mr Aloicious Shaftspole born in 1968 and "died" in 2009 except he also claims that he has had to go into hiding as he's got himself on the wrong side of a Mexican drug cartel so what am I to believe I ask myself😆
Anyhow Mr Shaftspole has been up to more shenanigans recently.....this time it's a blue plaque which has mysteriously appeared on a boarded up house which due for demolition.........
He has been busy on social media of late and there is to be a follow up 'project' launched in early November. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime hope everyone has a good weekend.
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
The Knife Angel
Sunday, 15 October 2023
The Fat Man of Maldon
Hello....remember me?!! I'm back from my latest wanderings and ready to impart a few tales teased out from where I've been exploring. Let's start today with Edward Bright from Maldon.
Thursday, 5 October 2023
The Perfect Ending
One of those days when I was chasing my tail doing jobs in the town when this made me pause and reflect. It was on the A board outside an independent florists.
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. I won't be on here next week as we're off for a spot of pearl wedding celebrating.
Tuesday, 3 October 2023
Round the houses
A little later than planned, but here's the post I promised about our time spent over at Butser Ancient farm for the Autumn Equinox. There's a bit of background about the project and information about the Roman Villa from an older post here https://gnatbottomedtowers.blogspot.com/2016/05/butser-ancient-farm.html Speaking of which I found these two Viking Re-enactors lurking by the villa. Historically they are a few centuries out, but just behind them you can see the reconstruction of the Roman garden which wasn't there on our last visit. At its centre is this brand spanking new mosaic which was revealed in August....well I say brand spanking new, but it's actually been constructed from genuine Roman tesserae. When the M4 was being built it went through a villa in Badbury, Wilts and these are where they were rescued from. It's always good to see a bit of recycling going on. The design is based on one from Sparsholt in Hampshire.
There's a great variety of activities on offer from short talks to demos and battle renactments, live music and oh yes dancing! I was very impressed and can see why it sells out so quickly. It's hard to believe that there were 2000 visitors on site and I'm sure it's raised much needed funds for the museum's ongoing research. We have already been invited back next year👏
Off duty
All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...

Certainly a new twist on the usual blue plaque. It made us laugh and had us scratching our heads. It just seemed rather odd, but even th...
I'm leaving today's post in the very capable hands of The Cure. Was a huge fan back in the day and still enjoy hearing their unique...
I think if you heed the advice in the text below you might want to think twice about sitting on this bench.....them dragons is dangerous bea...