Thursday, 19 October 2023

Mr Shaftspole

 Back in this August post I wrote about the spoof art trail that someone had put up around the town centre It caused much mirth for many of us, but some rather sourly were affronted by the whole thing and spent a lot of time removing the "exhibition" labels from many of the ugly things they adorned. Since then the plot has thickened and the supposed artist has stepped forward...he is one Mr Aloicious Shaftspole born in 1968 and "died" in 2009 except he also claims that he has had to go into hiding as he's got himself on the wrong side of a Mexican drug cartel so what am I to believe I ask myself😆

Anyhow Mr Shaftspole has been up to more shenanigans recently.....this time it's a blue plaque which has mysteriously appeared on a boarded up house which due for demolition.........

He has been busy on social media of late and there is to be a follow up 'project' launched in early November. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime hope everyone has a good weekend.



  1. Good man (or woman?) The world needs more humour and thst is clesrly well dreamed up humour.

    1. I get the impression that it's a man behind this particular jape, but I could be wrong! Arilx

  2. The mystery person has a very clever mind to have thought it up!

    1. I can't wait to see what they get up to next! Arilx

  3. I do love a mystery! Little things like this make me laugh!

    1. It's good for us to not always know the answers to everything. Great mystery. Arilx

  4. How very intriguing, I shall be Googling Aloicious Shaftspole over the weekend! xxx

    1. I shall blog about the artist again if they hold true to their promise and undertake more shenanigans. Arilx


Woolly Thinking

As a Druid I like to keep a little personal altar to mark the wheel of the year. In practice this means that every six weeks or so I change ...