Friday, 22 December 2023

Festive Tidings

 Festive greetings and a most Happy New Year to everyone who is kind enough to drop by for a read of my witterings. Tonight I'm dancing at a Nordic Jul celebration. It will be fascinating to see how another country celebrates Yule and the returning of the sun.

Blessings to all.

Aril. Mr GBT, TTM and Humphrey 🐾🐾 

[Image from Pixabay]


  1. Sending Solstice love to you and yours! I'm watching English Heritage's live feed from Stonehenge and wishing I was there! xxx

  2. I am so having to do catch up. Enjoy your dancing - if their summer solstice celebrations are anything to go by it should be a good event. Festive season greetings to you and yours and all the best for 2024.

  3. Merry Christmas to you as well. Thank you for your blog!

  4. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year Aril. Have you seen the Whitby Krampus festival. Very Northern as well, also very scary!

  5. Shall be thinking of you as you dance tonight, Aril. I consider this the most haunted of holidays, and wish that you'll experience kindly spirits among you.

  6. Thank you for all the interesting things you find to photograph - hope there are many more in 2024

  7. Wishing you Yule joy as you dance! This is a beautiful and lovely thing to do and I hope it brings you light and joy!
    Wishing you a merry Christmas and hope all is well for you in 2024.


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