Tuesday, 13 February 2018


No word of a lie.....I stood in front of this postbox a few weeks back and seriously wondered why the cipher on this postbox read Elizabeth VII! In my defence I was still very woolly headed and unwell, but really?!

Once the fog had cleared and the farthing had dropped I registered that it was, of course, an Edwardian one....I know I "saw" one once but only because it was pointed out to me. I don't know if others are like me, but hand on heart I can honestly say that I only pay any attention when I'm looking for one if I've got a letter to post!

This little revelation has piqued my interest so I've had a closer look at some of the boxes [there are numerous designs nationally] on my patch when passing. It's been a revelation to find that Horsham has the whole set bar the very and frankly unsurprisingly rare Edward VIII one [although it's very possible there might be one but I'm not so obsessive to be bothered to go looking specially. If you haven't nodded off yet here they are for your delectation!

The oldest box still in use is on Guernsey [1852] and the first ones on the mainland were seen in London shortly after in 1855. Originally they could be any colour, but then a standard bronze green colour was introduced in 1859. The intention was that they shouldn't be garish and stand out...the plan worked so well that people kept bumping into them, so red it was from 1874. For those with a burning desire to know more may I signpost you to The Letter Box Study Group http://lbsg.org/ There always seems to be a group dedicated to any interest no matter how niche it is doesn't there!



  1. A very geeky post mate. Love it!!! xxx

    1. Indeed....I think it's a case of quit while you're ahead!

  2. The one in the hedge at the end of our lane is old and tiny. It says "Letters only" and nothing bigger than a C5 envelope will fit in it!

  3. Replies
    1. I thought a few postbox related trivia wouldn't go amiss. They're so iconic.

  4. When I first arrived in the uk, I was fascinated by the red pillar box so started 'collecting' them. I have quite a few photos of them now, including a green one and some of the more rare/early versions - not done it recently and had, if I am honest, not given them much thought recently. May be a quirky niche hobby to re-instate methinks?!

    1. It's a good one for when the weather is not so good and everything is wet underfoot. Most of my photos of late have been within an urban setting.

  5. I will be honest and admit that it has never occured to me to have a look at these things...and i past 2 on my walk to my Mams house!.I post a letter,moan that the collection is still 7 oclock in the morning,when it used to be 6 oclock at night...and carry on walking,lol.But today,I am going to make a point of having a proper look!,Debi,xx

    1. Me neither. Simply never gave them a second glance. Some lovely designs out there.


Little Things

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