Thursday, 1 February 2018

Imbolc 2018

May Brigid bless the house
Where in you dwell
Bless every fireside every
Wall and door
Bless every heart that
Beats beneath its roof.
Bless every hand that toils
To bring it joy.
Bless every foot that
Walks its portals through.
May Brigid bless the house
That shelters you.

Bright blessings to all those who celebrate the old ways.



  1. Imbolc blessings to you and yours. X

  2. Sending many blessing to you darling. xxx

  3. And the same to you Aril, Happy Imbolc, spring is slowly starting to stir.History takes us back to the old pagan ways.

  4. Lovely . Blessings of the season to you and yours.


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