Wednesday 15 March 2023

Lunchtime visitor.

 I thought you might like to see this little fluffball which I met whilst out on a lunchtime walk yesterday. People have shown me pictures of albino deer and squirrels before, but this is the first time I have seen one for myself. It was very busy digging for nuts and was in no mood to pose for any pesky human. It was a question of snatching photos as it dashed back and forth. This is the best of the bunch...many are just a white smudge! It's caused by a lack of melanin and it had the classic red eyes.

I feel very privileged to have seen one.



  1. There is a town in Southern Illinois called Olney, where white squirrels abound. One is pictured in the city seal, and features in a lot of advertising in that area. If you google Olney, Illinois, USA, you will no doubt learn a lot about a little community which cashes in on its white squirrel population. I grew up near there and have cousins who live there still.

    1. I've just looked Olney up. Wow 200 of them! Arilx

  2. I live near a park that has lots and lots of squirrels and I've visited this park since 1964 and have never seen a white one, you were so lucky. I wonder how he is going to fare being white as he is so obvious to prey.

    1. I think that they are more often predated because they are so easily seen. Fingers crossed that this one is ok. Arilx

  3. I have never seen one. You ARE privileged!

    1. I gather from Ana's comment above that they are in Olney Illinois Arilx

  4. WintersEndRambler17 March 2023 at 08:32

    Never seen one before...and I've lived quite a long time! x

    1. I'd only seen greys with a bit of white before but the lack of pigmentation has a different cause I understand. Arilx


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...