Thursday, 24 August 2023

Running away

It's been a very busy week here at GBT and somehow time has run away with itself.....she lies, she lies 😄 One has done only what has absolutely needed to be done and beyond that One has been sitting square eyed watching as much of the World Athletic Champs as she can get away with.  Seeing as the upshot of all this is that there has been no work done on any blog posts this week whatsoever let me distract you with something shiny......

This beautiful scarf twinkled at me in the charity shop on Saturday so home it came.  Not a bad purchase for five of my good English pounds! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.



  1. Trust you to find ths beautiful shiny thing. I bet it looks good on you too.

    1. It will be in keeping with some of my other stuff

  2. Ooooohhhhh....shiiiiiiiiiiiiiny! I am were saying something about blog posts?

  3. That's a stunner at any price! x


Flowers for Tuesday

Just a wee photo for today as it's shaping up to be a busy week.  It's a bit of a shame really because this piece of artwork is hidd...