Monday, 14 August 2023

Two years down the line.

Cue a rather damp Monday afternoon and a wander round the local nature reserve with my friend H. Last time I went a couple of years ago it had recently undergone a radical makeover, but the new borders were still waiting to be planted up 

The work is now complete and it's all looking rather gorgeous in the Shelley Wildlife garden even in the rain! Quiet moments spent in the bird hides watching the fledged magpies with their still fluffy heads trying to work out how to extract the seeds from the feeders and the chilled herd of British White cattle taking on their latest project and keeping the undergrowth in check. No doubt they'll be off to another of nature sites in the district shortly to carry on with their good work. I think this Marsh frog with his snazzy lime green stripe was having the best time of all though kicking back on the lily leaves in the pond.

We were not so hardy....after an hour or so we scurried back to GBT and the delights of a hot cuppa and biccies😊



  1. Those colourful borders are to die for - I bet they don't let the cattle in amongst those. I love the bug hotel.

    1. I always see something new on my visits there


Flowers for Tuesday

Just a wee photo for today as it's shaping up to be a busy week.  It's a bit of a shame really because this piece of artwork is hidd...