Thursday, 4 June 2015

Remember You're A Womble!

It is possibly slightly tragic that I am very chuffed to now be the proud owner of this little lot:

Yes I am now officially the litter picker for my road and anywhere beyond I feel like clearing at times and days of my choice. It's a voluntary position but I'm not depriving anyone of a job as the council don't come this far up. Obviously I wish people wouldn't do it in the first place but rather than moaning about it I've decided that I'd rather be part of the solution and at least this way I can get those bits that are recyclable into the right place. First trip out this weekend me thinks.

Talking about recycling the indoor planters have worked a treat. The butternut squash are coming along a treat and are now a fair bit bigger than when I took this photo last week.



  1. I've been doing the same in Hastings, for a couple of years - sick of seeing the gutters full of takeaway cartons and drinks cans... why does stuff have to be thrown out of cars, instead of being put in nearby bins or taken home? I've been asked several times if I'm on some kind of Community Service for Offenders scheme - so now I make up lurid tales of smuggling and fighting etc.(I am, actually, a respectable 75-yr-old granny...) Good luck with it!!

  2. Thank you for your comment Anna. Us wombles need to unite and fight back!


Imbolc Adventures

 In past years I've found Imbolc the hardest of the eight annual festivals to mark in a way that is personally meaningful to me. I'l...