Tuesday, 5 February 2019


It's all right you can come out from under the covers...there'll be no talk of dentists or toothypegs on this old blog of mine!

Without any guilty conscience I hold my hands up to being a thrifty old bird about most things, but over time I've decided that certain items warrant the additional investment for the increased pleasure they bring me. A few years ago I made the switch from vanilla essence to vanilla extract in my baking. Baking is one of my favourite ways to relax. For years now I have been intending to have a crack at making my own.....now with my new Make, Bake and Create challenge up and running you can guess what's coming next.....

Using this recipe https://www.smallfootprintfamily.com/how-to-make-vanilla-extract I now have this steeping away in the cupboard. Cost wise I thought initially it was much the same as the shop bought one, but I'm left with a third of a bottle of vodka so think it might be a bit cheaper....now need to find a use for that!



  1. Im sure that you can come up with some idea of what to do with the left over vodka...may be with a carton of orange juice and an ice cube,lol.By the way,I love your word..toothypegs.Ive not heard that for years!,xx

    1. It might get passed over to TYM to tidy away when he's next home from uni as I'm not a big vodka fanx


Off duty

All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...