Monday, 18 February 2019


At last the kitchen curtains are finished. Bar the curtain pole which we bought new, everything is reused from the unfinished piece of patchwork my friend gave me which her late MIL had made, to the header tape, lining [second hand duvet cover] and the edging which came from a charity shop. I don't have a sewing machine so it's taken a while plus a lot of help with pinning from Mr GBT. They might be wonky, but the important bit for me is that I've made them. This make, bake, create challenge I'm doing is paying dividends!



  1. They are gorgeous.

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Great job - they look fab! Mine are wonky, too! x

  3. I love to see patchwork home made stuff and you have done a great job there.I am now getting an urge to get my sewing machine out and start trying it myself!xx

  4. I love it! they look perfect with your tiles (can just see them beneath the hem) who cares if they are wonky - they look brilliant :D

  5. They will brighten up even the greyest of days. Gorgeous!

  6. I love them! How did you make them?

  7. They are lovely. Happy curtains. There’s great pleasure in making something for the home yourself especially for very little money. X

  8. Thank you all for being so kind. Arilx

  9. I think they are lovely,all curtains should be a bit wonky...actually everything should be a bit wonky x


Off duty

All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...