Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Cloak and no dagger.

I lay the blame for this impulse purchase [see how deftly I am sidestepping all responsibility here!] entirely at the door of Nurse L. Had she not shown me the rather scrummy red cloak she had just purchased at Tewkers and then offered to show me the stall where she had got it I would not have brought this home with me.....

A few years ago I spent a lot of time looking at cloaks. I found a lovely woollen shawl type thing which I frequently wear in the winter, but I never found a cloak which was "right". Either it was the wrong fabric, wrong colour or wrong price. It didn't help matters that I didn't really know what I was looking for, but I was working from the assumption that I would just know when I saw it. I even bought a pattern with fanciful ideas of making my own, but that didn't happen either so I put it on the backburner and forgot about it. This one is perfect. I love the serpent clasp, the wool and the colour was absolutely me. It will be just right for the Druid celebrations I attend [maybe not at this time of year granted!] and practical too.

This all happened by 9.30 on the Saturday of the festival and the stalls weren't even open to the public until 11am. Despite this being a very reasonable price I avoided them for the rest of the weekend to keep temptation at bay!!



  1. It looks perfect to me - must have had your name on it!

    1. Indeed it really did feel that way.

  2. I love that colour Aril.I have got quite a few velvet pieces in emerald green and I love wearing them when the weather cools down.Isnt it nice when just what you were looking for,turns up!.Im sure that you will get many wearings out of your beautiful cloak,xx

    1. It was unexpected too which was an added bonus.

  3. What a great colour. Love the clasp! x

    1. Thank you. It will see lots of use.



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