Monday, 25 April 2022

Getting Your Kit On

 Wow well that was some weekend💀❤....a very Mythago based weekend and a real blast from the past. For the first time it felt like it had the zing of the pre-Covid days. Many Morris sides folded during the period of lockdown and I think even the sides that did survive intact lost members through retirement and people deciding to stop. We're a reduced sized team and it's taken a bit of adjusting to, but we seem to be getting there and the creative energy has begun to flow again...we've choreographed a new dance, different musical arrangements, new tunes, improved how we perform parts of old dances and new bits of kit are being made. They take hours as I well know particularly when you are being ably assisted by a "helper"....who frankly is doing anything but helping by sitting on the bits of fabric you are trying to cut and pin😆

However, despite his lordship's hindrance I managed to meet my personal target of finishing the Earth Mother kit by the end of the weekend...the sudden realisation that we're performing the story which needs it in a matter of weeks spurred me on....the original one went missing a couple of years ago so it's not as if we even have an old one to fall back on. Doing something like this to be shared with others is always a difficult one for me as it brings up many insecurities, but I have got over myself this time and am actually a tiny bit proud of myself for once. Another lovely lady in the side very kindly painted the base colours on the mask to get it started for me,

Our St George's day dance and story at a local pub was well received.  I took back the reins of secretary last summer and we've realised that we need to perform more local events if we're going to attract more members. Traditionally we've travelled all over the place dancing to the point where many in the town don't even realise that we are a Horsham side! I got my act together and put the word out on a popular FB page that we were going to be out and about and it seems to have done the trick as we had a good turnout [obviously the good weather helped too]. Having put a lot of personal effort in over the last week I think I shall be taking my Mythago head off for a few days now!!



  1. Wowsers! Earth Mother you are looking amazing!
    Not surprised the Mythago was well received - wish there was a group near me, I'd love to get involved!

    1. If you google Border Morris maybe there is! Arilx

  2. That looks fabulous and of course you should be proud of yourself. We hope you attract lots of new members...the COVID interval has given people time to re-examine what has real meaning for them, and to go out and find it. His lordship is clearly a good supervisor and Tigger sends greetings and encouragement. xxx Mr T and F

    1. Humphrey reckons he should be known as a kit-cat! Arilx

  3. I hope others that would find so much joy, find your group. I know nothing about the form of dance or history beyond what you share but finding and keeping at something that's you're passionate about is a gift.

    1. It's a British tradition and the styles differ according to where they orginated. Arilx

  4. You look absolutely wonderful, no doubt helped by your glamorous assistant, Humphrey! xxx

    1. We now need to see if it's any good for dancing in...that's the proof of the pudding! Arilx

  5. Wow...that's a lot of sewing to make Earth Mother...don't lose this one! x

    1. A couple of sets of kits went missing. We think they got lost in somebody's house move. I won't be losing this one! Arilx

  6. It would be wonderful to see a video of your group sometime. *hint hint*


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...