Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Hogging the Headlines

 You might remember a few months ago that we found a very small baby hedgehog out during the day in our garden https://gnatbottomedtowers.blogspot.com/2021/11/hogging-limelight.html I'm delighted to say that my hedgehog caring friend went to pick Celia up from Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital where she's been since then. Now she weighs a goodly 800g and will be released into L's lovely wildlife friendly garden out in the countryside in two weeks time. Let's hope she finds a mate and then has her own hoglets this year. So glad she has made it💗

After a much needed trip to the local recycling centre to drop off several bags of deitrus on Sunday [and a fab evening at the folkclub too I should hasten to add] I decided that perhaps I could at least salvage a little of Monday with a quick evening stroll. As ever I wait and see if anything interesting shows up on the way round.....for reasons I can't explain there's always an ever changing and curious array of vehicles parked on this particular route round. It would also seem that I appear to have decided at some point in time to collect pictures of postbox toppers like others collect Top Trumps!! Ah well it all made for a more interesting totter!

I shall endeavour [famous last words] to put out a final post about Cirencester tomorrow. I've been a bit of a Slack Alice of late when it comes to things like that, but there have been reasons for it and personal challenges I've had to meet. We're off travelling again during the latter part of the week....something to do with TYM and his wearing of a mortar board😉


PS Blogger is still being a p.i.t.a about comments so sorry that I haven't responded, but I always appreciate everyone who takes the time and trouble to do soxx


  1. You seem to have the most interesting walking route we have ever seen - vintage cars, futuristic cars, military vehicles and potbox toppers.... beats dust and tower blocks any day.

    1. I seemed to have struck gold on Monday. Arilx

  2. What an interesting selection of vehicles you have around - the landing craft thing is not something you expect to find in a front garden!

    1. I think that the homeowner might restore them as I've seen all sorts on the drive over the years. Arilx

  3. This new comment thingy has just appeared on my blog. I don't find it difficult to navigate.

    1. I got to the bottom of it in the end when I had another look. My pop up blocker was objecting. Now sorted. Arilx

  4. What??? You have a life???? Where'd you get THAT??? I'm not sure if my comment took yesterday, but really would love to know more about your morris dancing hobby and mythago.

    1. Morris dancing is a British tradition and varies according to where it started. What I do is called Border Morris and it started up near Wales. Our side is unusual in that we wear masks and write our own stories to perform to music. Arilx

  5. You spot some wonderful things on your adventures out and about! xxx

    1. It makes me appreciate what a rich life I have especially when I'm just emerging from an anxious period of several weeks. I see it as a way of keeping me well if I take my camera with me. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...