Friday, 21 October 2022

Unexpected encounter.

 On some Fridays I drive out to a client who lives in a small village out in the sticks. Part of the journey is down some rather windy country lanes. In the main it's wide enough for cars going in both directions, but on this particular day I had no option but to pull over onto the verge, switch off the engine and wait the for the vehicle to pass. There are lots of farms round here so I'm used to seeing tractors, but a traction engine?! They gave me a wave as they went past and it certainly made my trip home just that bit more exciting than normal. One of those small enjoyable moments.

Have a great weekend.



  1. The industrial museum near where we lived at the smallholding had a traction engine and I have to admit to running out to watch it pass as it rumbled by on it's way to a show. Could hear it coming from quite a way

  2. What an amazing sight to have coming down the road!

  3. There is something about steam powered engines that turns everyone, male and female, into small children again. They just seem alive!

  4. I'd make a wide path for the tractor too.

  5. Ah, this is so wonderful to see! I love seeing these at village fairs!



 These two pals were hanging out together in a field that we passed on our recent Cuckfield walk. I don't know what it is about donkeys,...