Thursday, 13 October 2016

Good Golly Miss Molly.

Shamelessly pinching Little Richard's lyrics there, I have just encountered my first Molly Morris side at last weekend's day of dance in Lewes.

Originally it started out as an outlet for the ploughboys to make a bit of much needed money during the fallow season. All males, one would dress up as a woman [the molly] and in order to disguise themselves, they would black up their faces with coal [yes the "controversial" blacking up which has been in the press for all the wrong reasons recently] Basically, if you didn't pay 'em they might plough up areas of your land you didn't want 'em to. Over time the tradition died out, but was revived in 1977. Seven Champions are the creme de la creme of this particular tradition. They dance without any of the normal Morris paraphernalia....just hobnail boots. This is their dance "Invisible Bert", which they performed on Saturday.

It's good to see this type of dance not only surviving, but thriving. By poking about online I've unearthed this little gem. Pig Dyke Molly really have reinterpreted the genre and put their stamp on it. Can't tell you how much, given the chance, I'd love to share a stand with them. I can't imagine that a combination of them and Mythago would stand out in the slightest!!



  1. I knew someone who danced with a Molly Morris side once. On another note your blog has gone funky! Keep thinking mine needs an update but so much to do! xx

  2. Yes finally sat down and worked out where all the darn buttons were. Decided the pale format wasn't cheery enough for me anymore.

  3. Love the new look ☺
    We don't have or rather don't seem to have many Morris dancing 'oop norf' we do howev,have a pub up the road called 'the Morris Dancers'but I don't think that counts!

  4. Thank you very much. Thought it high time to get rid of the cobwebs and give it a good airing. I feel it's much more in keeping with the style of the blog. There are some Border Morris teams in Yorkshire so you never know you might catch a side if you like that style!



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