Friday 21 October 2016

Monday Pie

Our son took the decision last year that he wanted to take a year out of education to give him the chance to spend some time in the real world working and hopefully volunteering abroad for a given period. With our full backing, he is currently working his little socks off and saving as much as possible [with a beer allowance built in your understand...after all he is 18]. With the extra time he's got we're making sure he knows how to cook [he's already up to speed on other domestic stuff.....I made sure he can do the same things that I would have expected any daughter of mine to do. His ironing is streets ahead of mine]

So far so good...he's produced some inexpensive and tasty meals. It's been a good experience for me too as I've been trying out some new recipes along side him. This week I've made the Monday Pie recipe out of one of his student cook books. It's along similar lines to this one  except mine was rather more simple. An onion and mince browned together first then a stock cube added together with a can of baked beans and lashings of Worcester sauce and pepper [I added in some leftover sweetcorn too]. Topped off with thinly sliced potato [standing up like rows of gravestones rather than flat] I baked it for an hour at 200C [check it after 45 mins] the others declared it "moreish". I think a good sprinkling of smoked paprika would work well too for another variation

My kind of cooking.



  1. Sounds yummy...just what an autumn evening requires! x

    1. It was a great way to use up a pack of yellow stickered mince. I guess it was originally to use up the pickings of the Sunday roast.

  2. Although my lad is not stepping out into the real world (yet) and has trundled off to uni, we too have been having 'how to keep yourself fed and survive' lessons. Week three and he is still alive, not succumbed to starvation/food poisoning/sleep deprivation/uni life in general. He comes home this weekend - suspect to immediately return to the teenage slothdom of his prior lifestyle laden down with dirty washing and empty food containers ... little does he know mwhahahahaha!

    1. We are still holding the safety net :-). He will have no problem reverting to his student ways once he's away I'm sure but he'll be up the other end of the country so we thought best to try and prepare him as best as possible!

  3. That sounds very homey, and perfect if the day was cold. Were the potatoes precooked, or raw when put on top of the meat and bean mixture?

    1. They were raw Sam, but sliced very thinly. No oil on them and cooked uncovered in the oven. The edges go really crispy.


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...