Friday, 28 October 2016

October Scavenger Hunt

Joining in again with this month's scavenger hunt organised by Hawthorn Spellweaver from  Every month she kindly puts up a list of words for us to interpret with our own photos. If you link back to her blog you can see the other entries.

1. 'A' is for aardvark. A shop sign in Chester which appealed to me greatly. The colours remind me of Elmer the Elephant.

2. Lunch. This is the lid of my son's old lunch bag from when he was a really small person. I keep bird food in it now, but seeing my elephant sketch reminded me that this was drawn as a reminder that if he kept only eating his crisps and not his fruit the elephant would tell me and there would be no crisps the next day. He only tried it on once and then decided he'd eat his fruit thereafter!

3. 11 o'clock. As Remembrance approaches this time of day always put me in mind of the two minute silence.

4. Black and white. I love corvids. Many I know do not share my enthusiasm.

5. Looking up. Anyone familiar with my blog will probably be expecting a roof boss of some sort. Instead my version of looking up is the frequent checking of spelling and synonyms needed to complete the crossword clues.

6. 'T' is for a Lyons Tea sign in a local village which is still on the side of a cafe wall. Perhaps a rare survival.

7. Landscape. I am cheating here and reusing a photo from a walk up on Leith Hill which I did with my good friend E and her bonkers sprocker Toby. It's a reminder of a lovely morning spent together and hopefully to be repeated this weekend when we see each other again.

8. Two. Two gift vouchers for cream tea given to me as 50th birthday presents. I am known for my cafe habit and love of cake and am looking forward to enjoying these treats over the coming months.

9. Swing. The pendulum in the clock in our lounge swinging from side to side.

10. My own choice. I love and am very drawn to the unusual/quirky. I don't go looking for it, but seem to attract it. This frog trio were seen in Chawton when we visited Jane Austen's house earlier this week. They are adult human size!



  1. Brilliant! So different and outside of the box! Gave me lots of smiles. Lucky you as you found an aardvark! My favourite picture is your own choice but my favourite story (well two) is the 11 o'clock one as well as your son's lunch bag. Reminds me of my husband's sister who told her little daughter that teddy would tell mummy if she had been naughty. One day mummy heard daughter beating teddy up for telling on her!

    1. I am glad to hear that I am not the only Mother who used the cuddly toy technique when disciplining her child!

  2. Love your lunch bag Elephant. The stories we tell our children.........!! The life sized musical frogs are fantastic. Your interpretation of 11 o'clock was not only very topical but a reminder of Remembrance Day coming soon........lest we forget.

  3. I love your interpretations - I can rely on you to definitely look out of the box! My favourite has to be your magpie (my other half is very fond of them) and to me they have added magick! thanks for joining in :)

    1. My brain is definitely wired slightly differently... I am learning to embrace it!

  4. I think everyone has really done the WOW bit this time. Hawthorns words were a real challenge & yet you've all met it in spades. I can't even pick a best, but if I had to it would be the frogs. I've a similar photo somewhere, though they are ants playing instruments. Thanks & take care.



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