Monday, 24 October 2016

Views from the weekend.

Sam over at her blog Newframereference asked what readers had got up to this weekend. Beyond the usual grunt work, I didn't think I had anything particularly thrilling lined up. On the back of this I decided to take my press and point and just take a few random snaps of anything that caught my eye. This is the result.

I finally finished the net bags out of my Mum's old curtains a couple of weeks ago. Despite my initial shyness at the possible reaction of the cashier in the supermarket, I plucked up the courage to use them last week. Needless to say nobody took any notice! The idea is to try and reduce my use of plastic a little bit further, whilst incorporating a bit of upcycling. In the background you can see the yellowstickered chicken I bought and froze during the week [this became the basis of our slow cooker supper tonight] and a bowl of apples I cooked up. They were from a box of free windfalls left on somebody's wall which I saw on my way to work on Friday. Mr GBT made some custard and we mixed them in to make apple fool for our pud.

Lunch and a walk with my very good friend J out from her home and up on to the hills behind Alton on Saturday. I liked the flowers that the farmer had planted along the field verge.

J chortled at me taking photos of these two additions to the roofs we passed by in the village on our way back. As my ex college room mate she is well used to my batty ways. Winton on the road sign is the abbreviated form of Winchester.

Today I've been to a local art show. There were some fantastic exhibitors and I have invested my birthday money in a piece which I shall show once I get my rump in gear.

This has been recently written on the door of a shop which has been empty for several years now. I found it rather poignant.

To wind up my meanderings...the weather has been stunning. so I decided on a whim to walk back through the park. The Autumn paintbox didn't disappoint.

So all things considered it's been another good 'un!



  1. Nice pictures! I'm glad you got to the art show. Weekends go so fast even when mine was four days. I appreciate the link. Have a great week.

  2. That sounds like a fab weekend. We didn't have your lovely weather here.
    Great tip about the Barry M, I've stocked up - thank you! x


Off duty

All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...