Tuesday, 27 June 2017


Ok confession time....I'm a bit of a Nimby when it comes to certain issues. Nothing of any great national importance I should stress on this occasion [I keep my opinions by and large to myself or express elsewhere on the major stuff], but these...gnomes. For a dame who loves to spend her time actively seeking out all the weird and wonderful grotesques etc this might seem like an odd thing to say. There's just something about them which I find vaguely unsettling. No one was more surprised than moi then when Mr GBT revealed that there is a Gnome Reserve down in Devon and I had an overwhelming urge to visit contrary creature that I am😊

What a laugh....a slightly surreal experience, but with a madcap dose of fun thrown in. To get into the whole thing you have the opportunity to choose and then wear your own gnome hat. Needless to say we did and then Mr GBT took his first ever selfie to prove it. We are not the tallest folks on the planet, but that was one giant gnome looming over our shoulders. Naturally we felt it imperative that we shared this image of great beauty with our offspring...he replied with an equally droll comment.

So now I have had the pleasure of viewing lots of gnomes of all shapes and sizes am I a convert?

Nope I remain firmly in the Not In My Back Yard camp I'm afraid.



  1. Good heavens above...gnomes...and yes I know I live relatively near the reserve but OMG...if someone wanted to upset me dumping a gnome on me would certainly do the trick! Or a clown. x

  2. Might have to take Lou. Doubt he'll don a gnome hat though! xx

    1. Nor my son. We had enough problems with the smurf outfit and he'd bought it!

  3. Those real life ones in the first photo are my favourites!
    I do have a 1930s headless one but those evil modern ones? No, never! xxx

    1. The antique ones are in a different class aren't they!



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