Tuesday, 11 December 2018


[Image from Pixabay]

Don't know about you, but I have reached the conclusion that what the world needs right now is innovators and those who power forward with brave new solutions to the problems we face. A whole sea change is needed. Amongst all the doom and gloom we hear all day there are those already out there doing precisely that. I came across this quote by Alan Turing recently. Most apt I thought.

"Sometimes it's the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine."



  1. That's a lovely quote and I agree, we do need innovators. When I am really fed-up with all the doom and gloom re: global warming etc I think "Well, the mind of man got us into this mess, so surely it can get us out of it."

  2. Yes,I agree I feel I'm fed a load of nonsence from people of.how things have to be and if I disagree,as they are powerful or have convinced.people they are,I'm powerless x


Off duty

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