Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Pit Stop

Working in London on Saturday and catching up on grunt work on Sunday. That was my weekend folks! Instead, as I haven't a great deal to say for myself, I thought I would share a couple of shots from the parterre [is that word right I wonder? It's what popped into my noggin when I was uploading the photos!] at Charlecote Park. We enjoyed a bit of lunch and a very brief hurtle around on our way back from our mini break earlier this month. Afraid there are no tales to tell as we didn't stay long enough to learn much. Ah well another time perhaps!



  1. Love a parterre although I don't think I'd be much cop at maintaining one!

  2. Ooo, I rather like that! Not sure I'd be able to maintain one either!!


Woolly Thinking

As a Druid I like to keep a little personal altar to mark the wheel of the year. In practice this means that every six weeks or so I change ...