Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Bonfire Night

This is the lantern Guy Fawkes was carrying the night he was caught in the cellar in the Palace of Westminster. This pivotal moment stopped Fawkes from igniting the gunpowder.  I shall be watching the fireworks from a bedroom window....Humphrey will be hiding underneath the bath. Unlike me he's not a fan! The lantern is in the Ashmolean Museum.



  1. wow. That lantern.

    My cats were not best pleased either.

    1. This time Humphrey crouched down on the front door mat with his nose pressed up to the front door. No idea why!

  2. Do we say Happy Guy Fawkes Day, Cheers, or is there a greeting? I know the history but the celebration is a confusion to me on this side of the pond.

    1. No. It's used here in Sussex as a reason to burn effigies of the most unpopular politicians! More usually it's just a fun family evening out. Arilx


The January Man

I heard this song for the first time at our folk club recently. As we head out of January with the promise of some early signs of Spring dan...