Thursday 7 November 2019


I have been unashamedly borrowing ideas from the Japanese form of darning called boro. When I clean other people's houses I wear my oldest clothes....sadly I do not apply this same logic when cleaning my own and I splashed bleach on the front of this denim skirt.

The first instinct was to put it straight into the recycling, but having recently learnt just how polluting clothes are, I had to have a rethink. This is how I've fixed it. I'll probably just wear the skirt at home. It's never going to win me any prizes, but I'm quite happy with the result.



  1. I have never managed the art of boro stitching, I am not neat enough nor patient enough - but I do appreciate and love it- I like what you have done with your skirt

    1. Thank you. I did it over several evenings. Arilx

  2. Looks good! Puts me in mind of when my denim jeans were covered in patches in the 1970s, with the added material in the outside leg seams turning them into flares. Flares hand-made by me and such a difficult fiddly job to get them in right. Couldn't do it now.

    1. I remember taking flares in so that they were skin tight in the 1980s! Arilx

  3. That looks really effective and be assured, you are not the only one who manages to splash her clothes with bleach. I could win an Olympic medal for it!

    1. I might have to compete with you for that medal! Arilx

  4. Having worked with a traditional Japanese dance troupe for years, Aril, I know the ladies would have approved both your patching technique and your choice of patch colors. Appropriate to the wearer and the use, pleasing to the eye -- so!

    1. Thank you Beth. That's such a kind thing to say. Arilx

  5. I love the way you've done that- I think I'm doing to patch my clothes with contrasting patches next time,it's nicer than trying to match up,- thanks x

  6. Looks gorgeous - seems a shame not to wear it out... Love the texture!

    1. I might be brave and venture out in it!


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