Thursday, 21 November 2019


"The most remarkable thing about my Mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found."
Calvin Trillin

Murphy's Law states that if you are making a cake on a wet Wednesday afternoon in October it will rise to perfection.....unless it's for a special occasion and then the dratted thing will sink in the middle. Yes I've made loads of successful sponges, but that's what happened to me. After a bit of a tantrum I made a much better one and the offending item got stuck in the freezer until I decided what to do with it.

We had friends here for lunch on Saturday and after mulling over what I could make for pudding I decided to press that cake into service as the base of a Black Forest Trifle. I thought I'd got away with it until my friend asked me what I'd used for the base...ok confession time! She laughed like a drain and agreed that she too can't abide waste. This is the proper version for those who might fancy trifle with a twist.

Black Forest Trifle

chocolate Swiss roll
blackcurrant jelly
couple of tins of drained cherries or mixed berries or frozen berries
pint of custard [use 1.5x as much custard powder to make it thicker]
400g plain chocolate
600ml pot of whipping or double cream

Slice the Swiss roll and scatter the fruit over. Make up the jelly but only use 3/4 pint of water. Pour over the fruit and leave to set. Break the chocolate into squares. Make a pint of custard and stir in chocolate whilst it's still hot. Leave for a couple of minutes to slightly cool and then pour it over the jelly mix. Leave to cool. When the custard is cold add a layer of whipped cream over the top and grate chocolate over or sieve cocoa powder on top.

There is only approximately three days of calories in each portion😉 so I don't make it too often!

What I didn't tell her was that the Fidget Pie also had the leftover gammon in from a few weeks back when we cooked one up in the slow cooker!! Not that she'd have given a monkeys!



  1. At the moment we rarely get left overs - I have two gannets for sons and a husband who still has hollow legs ....

    1. I know the son doesn't eat sweet stuff though!


A Quite Interesting Monday

I had yesterday off and we spent nearly three hours in a queue [the British do so love a queue] in London in the freezing cold. Was it worth...