Thursday, 20 May 2021


Another new word gleaned from the bbc news website....operculism which is the study of manhole, coalhole and drain covers. Now to my knowledge I have only ever taken this one photo of one and in my defence it was when I was in Oslo trying to capture as many of the details as possible. Besides despite perhaps the rather dull reputation of such utilitarian items this one was a bit of a stunner.

Last year on our daily hour of exercise, restricted to the same few well trodden routes round our immediate area, I began to consider looking at almost anything in a desperate bid to see something new and that's when I began to notice just how many differently patterned examples there are around. Some of them really are quite attractive.

I did take this one last weekend I must confess, but in my defence it was only so that I'd have something to add to the post content [that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it]. However, I'm not planning on taking this up as a hobby just yet!!



  1. I can remember doing "brass" rubbings of manhole covers (and tree bark and anything else) with wax crayons at primary school - can't imagine they do that sort of thing now.

    1. Yes we used to do the brasses in the church...don't think you're allowed to do anything like that these days! Arilx

    2. One of the thinks I remember was going to the local park when I was about 8 years old and doing tree bark rubbings. I was fascinated but the different barks. This particular teacher gave me my love of nature.

  2. I am old enough to remember the coal man actually tipping the bags of coal down these holes and my Mum sweepint the dust from around the hole before the top went back on. I think people actually do rubbings of coals hole covers because they are so decorative.


Off duty

All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...