Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Coming unhinged


When I trundled along the A272 last month winkling out some of its treasures I ended my journey at the now derelict, but preserved Hammond's Mill

As ever I took more photos that day and these four huge strap hinges on the Mill Barn next door [now converted into a home] really stood out. Knowing that Ice Badger loves bits of old metal work, industrial archaeology and any rust/peeling paint I thought that this might be right up her street. Too right...she was very impressed [told you we live in a parallel universe]. She takes some amazing photos and you can see more of her images here

I'll put up a few piccies of what we turned up when I've had a chance to go through them all.



  1. Who needs diamonds when you can have great lumps of metal!! x

  2. Hinges made to last and so decorative, oh that we could get a bit more of that into life again.

  3. Have you seem the prints where photographers take photos of things that look like letters, and put together different photos to make last names? This would be a great i photo.

  4. I always lose myself in picturing the hands that made it...and could he have ever foreseen them lasting to such strange days as we live in now!


Off duty

All the small, but significant steps Mr GBT has made over this past week meant that today he told me he would be happy for me to walk into t...