Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Exploring the old anew [part one].

We made it back for a return visit to the utterly gorgeous Standen House [NT] last weekend , but at this time only the ground floor of the house is open which left us with additional time to explore. The predicted showers didn't materialise so we took advantage and took ourselves off for a wander round the estate. I'm so glad that we bothered😀

This sweet little building is called the bothy. You can't get inside it at the moment, but it has a beautiful coloured glass door and window. I did my best to get a shot of it, but it will be splendid to see it with the light shining through one day.

With various sculptures dotted through the woods behind the house I have to say that the metal sofa under the willow arbor was a first for me. I thought it was made of leather from afar.

Some of the views from different sides of the house.  

I am guessing that normally there would be more flowers out to see, but with May having been such a cold month this year everything is rather behind. No matter....instead I have some rather marvellous indoor blooms created from the William Morris wallpapers for which Standen is famous. It wasn't until we looked more closely that we started to notice the insects scattered amongst them.

Next time we'll know to look both inside and out to get the most out of visit! I'll put up some more shots tomorrow of other stuff we'd managed to walk straight previously.


1 comment:

  1. I enjoy tagging along on your walks. That sofa is fun!



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