Monday, 17 May 2021


Humphrey is outraged.....why you might well ask is a cat outraged about an ordinary bench sitting quietly off a residential street?


Well just take a look at that plaque on it.....he's outraged that a fellow feline has allowed his staff to give him a rodent based name and as for the "donated his cat food money for 7 days" bit....well....... 

Indeed he is so cross that he can't currently decide which part he is the most outraged about so he thought he'd take an eight hour little snoozelet to rest his poor angry brain before he lets me know which one he's chosen!

Much as I wish I'd been the one to spot this I can't claim the credit....somebody else found it this time. However, as I was passing en route to dropping off yet more bottle tops for recycling I thought I'd take five minutes out of my day to get some photos and share the smile!



  1. One of my son's four cats is called mouse. :-)

    1. There's a little dachshund near here called Mouse too. Arilx

  2. oh Humphrey - there will always be those who will outrage you (however as a human - It did appeal greatly!)

  3. Poor Humphrey, he does look grumpy! What a goody-two shoes Mouse the cat must be, letting the side down and donating his pocket money for altruistic reasons, ours squander theirs on treats and pork scratchings! x

    1. Mine loves a snack....well several snacks actually. He never wastes his grub. Arilx



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...