Monday, 27 September 2021

Meanwhile in other news.... life goes on despite what others might want us to believe.  A lovely Egyptian goose and its goslings. It was good to see these little souls dibbling about at the water's edge on our walk yesterday.

The Repair Cafe reopened on Saturday for the first time since February 2020 [we have had to postpone it a couple of times] and we're now in a much bigger venue. Alongside it Sussex Green Living's latest initiative "The Green Hub" was launched. This brings together all the different green projects that have been set up in the district into a central space once a month to raise their profile and so people can get a feel for what's going already going on. After all the continuous doom mongering that goes on it was great to see so many good things happening and lots of positivity going forwards.  I definitely benefitted from being able to resume my volunteering with the team. My Mum was there lending a hand too wearing her Community Fridge helper Mother like daughter!!



  1. Oohhhh do tell us more about repair cafe and other projects at the green hub. (And what is Community Fridge?)

    1. We do a refill service for cleaning products where people bring along their empty bottles, free clothes and electrical repairs, a seed swap, free recycling schemes and the community fridge [run by another charity] which picks up all the out of date food from the local supermarkets/restaurants/hotels which anyone can take and it stops it from going to landfill. Arilx

  2. It surprises me (but it should not I suppose) how easily the madness was triggered however like you - I find pockets of kindness and goodness help offset that stupidity. May these little pools of positivity spread 💚
    I would love to have seen your Mom's community fridge hat!

    1. There's a picture of her [not wearing a hat...shame on her!!] from the weekend in the local paper. Arilx

  3. Nice cheerful optimistic post for a dreich Scottish Monday! Thankyou :)

    1. I try to keep this space cheerful for my own sanity too. There's enough noise on social media without me adding to it! Arilx

  4. Yes, you are right. The only way forward is to take all the good things around us and concentrate on them after all the world is a beautiful place, it's the greedy people who make it not so.

    1. I do get stressed about the situation sometimes, but I try to ignore all the hype. Arilx

  5. If everyone did their part for the common good in whatever corner of the world they are from, the world would be a far different place, wouldn't it. And those are two words you don't hear these days...'common good'.


Little Things

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