Thursday, 23 September 2021

Project Alleycat

I came across this rather charming sculpture of a cat called Czar on one of our evening walks in Tewkesbury when we were there for the weekend back in the summer. It's the work of Diane Gorvin. At the time I noticed a mention of "Project Alleycat" on sign that went with it and I meant to look it up. I've finally got round to it. The aim of the project is to create permanent and temporary art works in some of the many alleys that fork off the main roads through the town. Had I realised this at the time I might have taken more detours, but as luck would have it I had already captured a couple simply because their folkart nature appealed to me and of course they feature moggies!

The good news is that it will give me something new to pursue when I'm dancing there next summer [hopefully that is].



  1. Oohhhh we love Czar, but the Cheshire cat ain't hslf bad either.

  2. Is it the ancient city of York that has cat statues perched on buildings? Believe I saw a film about tourists following a map of sites, their challenge being to spot the cat (or two).

    1. Yes I think so. I vaguely remember a friend posting up some pictures of them. Arilx


Little Things

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