Friday, 10 February 2023

Reasons to be cheerful part 6

 One of the hangovers from when I was a full time working Mum is that I still go and do the weekly shopping ridiculously early....the logic back then was that I wanted to spend as little of my precious weekend in the supermarket as possible. Some things never change. You might not think of your local Tesco as a source of entertainment, but it's surprising how often I come back with a small tale of mirth to tell Mr GBT. Overheard snippets of conversation, exciting tattoos, novel haircuts [yes I am that woman who stopped the customer in the bakery to tell her how stunning her apricot and baby pink bob looked...she looked a little startled but then smiled at me] or the lady wearing the fabulous Joe Brown coat. Sometimes it's the items for sale which amuse me....I had an interesting chat with a fellow a few weeks back and we agreed that Christmas Pudding flavoured crisps are just plain wrong. A couple of weeks ago it was this by the front door which made me look twice......

The first thought which popped into my noggin was "oh God that looks just like my old school tie"......I am guessing this wasn't quite the response they were hoping for. Needless to say I left it behind for others to purchase. Have a good weekend!



  1. Can you think of anyone who would be 'seen dead' in that combo? You certainly are observant (your blog posts are evidence of the things you notice that others possible don't) but that particular item is such a slap in the face that they didn't need to put it by the door for it to be seen.

    1. Hopefully they'd only choose the top or the bottom eh! Arilx

  2. Replies
    1. I think your outfit might be remembered for all thr wrong reaons!! Arilx

  3. You'll have to keep your eyes open for someone wearing that get up. I can't imagine such a thing.

  4. I won't miss them if I do!! Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...