Monday, 20 February 2023

The Clapham Woods Mystery

 The woodlands near the small Sussex village of Clapham have earnt a reputation for dark and strange phenomena. It's supposed to be at the meeting point of a series of leylines and there have been reported sightings of UFOs, orbs, spectres and weird beasts. Certainly there were rumours of dogs going missing, four bodies were found between 1972-81 and it was claimed that a satanic cult practised black magic there. I've linked this article here if you want more details It's certainly a favoured destination for many paranormal investigators and a quick search on Youtube will turn up any number of people's night time explorations. Personally I am open minded about what people experience up there, but I shan't be one that ventures forth into any woods after dark. However, I can vouch that the claims that no birds sing up there is complete bunkum as proved by my visit there with Nurse L on a sunny Monday morning last week😀

These ancient woods are very atmospheric with stunning views out across the South Downs. The magnificent beech tree is known as the "Devil's Altar" and there's dear Finn nonchalantly drinking out of one the little pools of water which has collected in the network of its roots. He doesn't look exactly bothered by the rumours of Old Nick now does he!!

In the Spring the whole floor will be carpeted with flowers, but during these bare months it's all about appreciating the tracery of the tree branches and enjoying the different forms of the mosses and lichens growing on the trunks.

It would seem that some still return to the woods under cover of darkness to practise magic of some description. There have been photos shared of the things that people have found, some of which involve hexing and are not of positive intention, but in the main the offerings seem harmless enough. We did look for ourselves, but the best I could come up with was this chalked Herne figure and a fairy house🧚
We heeded the warning and didn't disturb them💚

If you fancy a trip up there yourself there's parking in front of the church.



  1. WintersEndRambler21 February 2023 at 08:36

    Some places just have a feeling don't they. And depending on weather and light levels those feelings can vary wildly! x

  2. Indeed. I find that the case in some churches too. There have been a couple which have made me feel very unsettled and I haven't been able to get out of fast enough. As animals we must pick up on things we're not always conscious of. Arilx


Little Things

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