Monday, 15 January 2018

Breaking Out

I've noticed that I'm not the only blogger who's succumbed to this lurgy type thing which is currently doing the rounds. The upshot has been confinement to barracks and sitting it out, but thankfully I've started to feel a bit better this weekend, so with sunshine forecast and fresh air badly needed we made a quick dash out to one of the local country parks. Once the site of the brickworks it's now a haven for wildlife and a multipurpose area for all.

Weather permitting the local model club come down every Sunday morning to sail their yachts on the water. You can just see the white sails in the far background. However what had caught my eye were the black blobs on the trees.'ll just have to take my word for it that's what the fuzzy image is!

I came home feeling like some of the fug had lifted and although not yet fighting fit, definitely on the road to recovery.



  1. Lovely photos Aril.Glad that your feeling a bit better,its awful when you feel ill.My daughter thought she had flu all last week...turns out it was the build up to chicken pocks!,She woke up yesterday covered in them and its gone from bad to worse this morning.Shes nearly 40,so im going to take the grandaughters school,then ring the doctor for some advice.Debi,xx

    1. I'm sure your daughter will appreciate your support Debi!

  2. I know what you mean. I have had this flu thing too. We went out Friday morning in the fog, but actually slightly better for it.
    Hope you feel better soon

    Julie xxxxxx

  3. So far, my daughter had it and my husband had it, but the lurgy has left me alone. I too am hoping for a good long walk outside, but we had about three inches of blowing snow, so not likely to see any birds or sail boats.

    1. Fingers crossed you stay well Samx



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