Monday, 30 April 2018

Aril and the sparkling omission.

Tea break at Mythago practice on a Wednesday is the time when we're supposed to discuss important Mythago related matters such as up and coming gigs etc. In reality it's a free for all when we all dive into the biscuit tins like a pack of hungry wolves and catch up on all the gossip.

This week I proudly told my friends how I had found a linen black dress and a sparkly silver body [like a leotard] for Mr GBT in the charity shop and how chuffed I was that it still had its original label in it so was therefore unworn. Frankly I was a bit baffled about why B asked me if I meant the tops which had the poppers along the bottom......

The penny dropped when I realised that I had omitted to explain that these garments were chosen with the express intention of cutting them up into tatters for Mr GBT's new rag jacket. Knowing Mr GBT's standard attire of check shirts, woollen jumpers, Clark's shoes. the vision of him in a glittery top is quite something! Those around me were killing themselves when I finally explained myself!

Perhaps I should point out that I don't give a stuff what people choose to wear, but with that little frisson of surprise it's given me the perfect excuse to share Lola by The Kinks.



  1. It was Whitbys Goth weekend this weekend, apparently so many people in town they had to shut the bridge down to cars. I love the way people dress up for these outings - adults, children, dogs.

    1. I love seeing people wearing Steampunk. It's so creative.

  2. Your lunch tea breaks sound fun, and sounds like you leave folks with somethig to talk about.

  3. I think he'd suit something sparkly. Could give him a new lease of life!!! xxx

    1. It could....not sure it would extend my life though!



  When we bought a new computer a few months ago it came with a very shiny sticker on it. You may quite rightly wonder why I've opened t...