Wednesday, 11 April 2018


As you have probably noticed it is not that unusual for me to take a wander around a cemetery if the opportunity presents itself. Quietly reading inscriptions and taking in the details of the individual stones, it gives me quiet thinking time and the chance to step back for just a few minutes.

Again taken at SS Mary and Gabriel in South Harting these two graves stood out to me. On the first one I found the quote very moving. Since poking about online I now find it's by Edith Sitwell.

"Love is not changed by death. And nothing is lost and all in the end is harvest."

This one though was the one I found particularly touching. Amongst all the more standard skulls and cherubs was this 18th century one with the lovely personalised depiction of the couple kissing. I've certainly never seen the like before. The 8/9 part of the date has had me scratching my head! Can anyone enlighten me as to why it is shown in this way please?

Until tomorrowxx



  1. 2 people..... one in 1728 and one in 1729? Maybe? or is the grave only one person?

    1. That's a possibility. I can see one name Elizabeth, but due to its great age it's devilishly difficult to read!

  2. I love to look at graves too and have been photographing interesting ones but have never seen this before. Could they be unsure of the year if maybe the grave had a different marker before this one was added at a later date. Jane xx

    1. Again very possible. Thanks for your input!

  3. they identify the day so maybe a re-burial? x


Little Things

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