Thursday, 14 November 2019

Why Christmas shopping is so expensive!

"What!" I hear you cry...I thought you were a gnat bottomed blogger not some spendthrift. Fear not for I have not been kidnapped and exchanged for a Mrs Jingle Bells [I like a slug of festive spirit, but don't go mad!] all of a sudden. Instead the issue is that I cross thresholds of retail outlets that haven't seen my custom all year. I don't buy hugely extravagant gifts or many of them for that matter, but when I do I try to make sure that I've put thought into it. The downside to all this is that I see things I rather fancy owning too and all of a sudden I find myself with something I hadn't planned on. This happens every year, but one outlay is usually enough to settle the material girl down enough to stuff her back in her box!

This is this year's unexpected little treat.....

I couldn't decide which side to show so both it is then. However, things are not quite as bad as they seem. Yes it was a spontaneous buy, but the lining in my old one is unrepairable. I wasn't going to turn down such a splendid leather bag in the charity shop for a bargainous five pounds .I can't help thinking that it puts me in mind of some of the worked pieces I see in crocheted blankets!



  1. Bargainous indeed! And yes, I can see the crocheted blanket influence :)

  2. That's gorgeous and a right bargain to boot!

  3. I was getting worried that you had been hacked Aril,lol.I thought...Oh No,she has been kidnapped,drugged and put in a very sensible coat and American Tan 20 denier tights and placed in the middle of Matalan or TK Max and putting things in a shopping trolly...and then I read on,lol.Great bag and just my sort of thing!.Bargain price as well,xx

  4. That's a lovely bag, I would have been tempted. But then I would have thought, no, I can make that ;o

  5. Bargainous! So that's your Xmas taken care of.

  6. *Splendid* is the word! The handwork involved can never have been commercially viable -- perhaps an especially skilled leatherworker decided to make a one-off for a lady who crocheted?

  7. Thank you all for my lovely comments. I am enjoying pressing my new bag into service!

  8. That was a great bargain :)



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