Wednesday, 25 November 2020



This is me doing one of the things I do best...befriending and cuddling sociable cats [and dogs too] that I meet upon my wanderings. I encountered this one on holiday a few years ago, but yesterday I was to be found stroking another very similarly marked one. This particular one is a familiar sight around one of the housing estates that I cut through on my way home from the town centre and now I know it to be a Bengal. His owner popped out whilst I was introducing myself to tell me that his name is "Beast", but he does not live up to his name. His favourite thing in the world to do is to be cuddled by all the school children who go past....apparently he's so well practised at it that he leaves the house bang on time every day to catch the passing trade. They have no idea how he knows, but know he does! 

These little exchanges always add an extra something to my day.



  1. Our previous cats 'knew' the time when the boys would be coming home from school and would wait for them at the back door. Our present little cat will wait at precisely 5.07pm for my husband to come home - she will appear from 'where-ever' and sit at the back gate watching for his van to come around the corner. I have always been amazed at their time keeping :)

  2. That's a fabulous photo of you and Beast! x

  3. My sister has two bengal cats. The big male is just as you describe 'Beast', happy to be cuddled all day and be the centre of attraction. The female is much more stand-offish. I am not a cat-lover (long story involving an aunt's less than friendly Tomcat!), but I can appreciate the charms of ones that look like small jungle cats. Very handsome!

  4. I love a friendly cat. We have one that wanders the neighborhood named Robbie. My dog is curious, but they mostly ignore each other after the first sniff greeting.

  5. Here, you are considered a bad cat owner if your cat is free to come and go. The local animal shelter will not allow you to have one of theirs if you do not vow to make them an indoor cat. The thing is, every cat has it's own nature. My Paddy Paws is the offspring of a feral cat. She was one of two kittens rescued after their mother had been hit by a car. She has no interest in the great outdoors. But I have also had the cats who could not tolerate being cooped up. I took in a feral and he spent several weeks being cossetted, but in the end, he chose to go back outside. We still see him about, but he has no interest in lying beside a woodstove and playing with catnip mice.

  6. The sightings of cats do add that little bit extra to a walk. I now carry a small bag of dry Whiskas in my pocket and as I walk the same route around the village the cats look out for me.

  7. So nice to see YOU!!!! He's such a cutie- I love a ginger cat!


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...