Friday, 20 November 2020

Walking in the wet.

My good friend E maintains that you don't have wrong weather when outdoors only wrong clothes.  For once I'd done the sensible thing and checked the forecast.....rain it said and rain it delivered on our walk. No matter I was prepared and dressed right for it and even though I returned home a whole heap soggier than I'd left we had a faberoony time. This combined with another walk with Guiding J a couple of days later has shown me some more examples from the extraordinary world of fungi. I've seen all sorts of incredible coloured ones/shapes/sizes that people have been showing online, but mine are far more muted and I suspect common. They are devilishly difficult to accurately id so I'm not going to even attempt it with my complete lack of knowledge save the last one which I believe is a White Saddle.

Hope you all have a good weekend.....more walking here I hope!



  1. I rarely regret taking a walk, even if I am dreading the weather. I have multiple umbrellas in different sizes and circumferences. I do need bette boots though. I just have a rain/snow combo but are way to warm when not winter.

    1. I'm the same with the rain, but a lot keener now as it's the only way we are legally allowed to meet one friend at the moment. Arilx

  2. I love the smell of woodland walks in a softly falling rain!
    I view fungi as I watch birds, an admirer ignorant of their proper names and habits. I do recognize (and eat) morels. Other fungi are photographed to serve as models for my line and wash dabblings. (Watercolors are tricky in the rain...)

    1. Seeing all the different forms is half the pleasure for me too. Arilx


Little Things

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