Monday, 16 November 2020

Loafing around

 I'd heard rumours before that you could make bread in your slow cooker, but didn't actually know that my friend actually uses her for just this. She sent me this recipe 

 With a morning off work and all the ingredients already here I thought I might as well give it a try. 

Whilst it's definitely on the rustic rather than artisan looking side I'm delighted to report that it was really easy to make and tasted lovely. It disappeared at lightning speed. The only thing I would do differently is add a little more salt. With limited kitchen space it's always a boon to find additional uses for any of our pieces of equipment.



  1. Rustic loaves mean homey! With my bread maker not working. I have not made homemade bread in a long while other than quick breads. Wit soup weather, I need bread again for the dunking. I'll take a look.

    1. It was very easy...if it hadn't have been I wouldn't have done it! Arilx

  2. Fancy that! I didn't know you could make bread in a slow cooker, mind you mine's from the 1970s so maybe it wouldn't work for me! Love your tiles. x

    1. I wasn't at all sure that it would work so was pleasantly surprised! Arilx

  3. I looks lovely, will try this on my 'Bread Monster' Husband! xx Jane

    1. I hope it works well for you and that your husband enjoys it! Arilx

  4. Oo, I'm going to try this for my next loaf! Did you do the last step and toast the top under the griller? I've become rather eagle-eyed with the electricity use around these parts and am trying only to use the oven outside peak charging times, so the slow cooker is an obvious solution. I guess it's working on the same principle as a bread machine. x

    1. I used the slow cooker for its fuel saving aspect and the bread is less dense than the ones that we used to get from our bm. I didn't bother browning the top as it was firm and the base was baked properly. Arilx

    2. It worked a treat, Aril! Rather like a big bread roll than a mock sourdough. Thanks for the great idea! x

  5. Looks good...nothing to beat a good bit of homemade bread and butter x


Little Things

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