Wednesday, 6 January 2021

The Garden Guardian

 Well it might not be possible to physically do much in the garden planting wise right now, but indoor scheming is afoot. We talked over ideas a few weeks ago and how we could achieve a wildlife friendly plot with our postage sized piece of turf and the solution seems to be seasonal shrubs that are attractive to the pollinators and birds with a few hardy perennials thrown in any remaining essence we've gone for indestructible [hopefully] ones with attractive flowers and berries. It turns out Mr GBT has been quietly beavering away and so was able to present me with a list of possibilities  at the beginning of the recent break. If we can get them I think we're in for a treat and it will be nice to be able to have something to show for some money we were recently given for our little project.

Meanwhile the tiles on the planters are now on [we'll continue to grow veggies in them] and he's just converted the redundant peanut feeder into a suet pellet one...they're fussy little beggars our local avian friends. We're now flavour of the month with the visiting nuthatch and starlings.

Do please come and meet Derek....he's our new garden guardian and is to be found hanging off the fence and supervising our progress. He was one of my Christmas pressies from Mr GBT.  I am intending to move in some of his friends just as soon as I can get somewhere that stocks ones that I like. Am rather fussy when it comes to my grotesques....nowt cutesy thanks.

We now have 6 big bags of compost sitting and awaiting our attention. Ooh the thrills I have awaiting me in this latest period of restrictions😜


  1. I do like Derek, he's got a cheeky twinkle in his eye! x

    1. He thinks he's rather devilishly handsome! Arilx

  2. Hope we have some good weather for you to get going with your plans - just wet wet wet here

    1. Mr GBT has been out digging holes over the last couple of dry days. Planting won't be for at least another couple of months I would imagine. Arilx

  3. How exciting to have a new garden project.

    I briefly looked outside to see how the garden was doing at the weekend, I was delighted to see a big fluffy bee enjoying the flowers of the mahonia.

    1. We are planning on putting in some mahonia! Arilx

  4. I forced myself to plant our remaining packets of bulbs yesterday in brief spell of sunshine...the compost was so cold, but am I pleased that it's finally done! x

    1. You will be even more pleased when they come through. Arilx

  5. Our garden guardian is called Jeremy (one of the boys chose that name when they were little) and is a grotesque creature which stares with a sardonic grin into middle space - His menacing appearance is not helped with the robin perches on his head .... lose all credibility!

  6. Happy New Year Aril - delighted to hear another willing gardener lol. The birds will love you for it:)

    1. I'm not really a gardener, but this has fired me as I am very keen on protecting our precious wildlife. Arilx



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...