Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Mystery plant

 Well what do you know....this "weed" has turned up uninvited in our garden. We pondered whether we should leave it alone [ after much excitement last year that leave-it-alone turned out to be a slightly less than thrilling buttercup!] or remove it as whatever it is really has chosen the most awkward spot to grow in. As you see from the photo below it's competing with a very vigorous raspberry. However, we decided to give it a stay of execution and over the ensuing months it has grown a bit like Jack's beanstalk....all upward and green leaves. That was until we got back from holiday when we noticed some tiny little flower buds had appeared.....we've sat patiently these past couple of weeks for it to bloom and I have to say it was certainly worth the wait....

As for what it is....well I can't really help you there I'm afraid as we're still very much in the dark. Its leaves are the pointy ones. Our latest theory is that it's some kind of Soapwort. However, all suggestions would be very much welcomed. Whatever it turns out to be in the end it's most definitely earnt its rightful place and is a keeper!



  1. It's very pretty! Jon uses Google Lens to identify mystery plants, Jon's given me his old phone which is a lot older so I use a free app called PlantNet, one should be able to help you! x

  2. I don't know if this applies averywhere in the world, but my sister has a plant app on her phone. She can take a picture of a plant/flower, hit send, and it matches up the plant with a name. It came in very handy when I labeled my herb pots only to discover after a bad rain that the marker was not permanent. :( It is a beautiful plant though.

  3. It's lovely when a surprise plant turns out so lovely. Is it by any chance comfrey? It's grown in biodynamic gardens to use later as a fertiliser, so I've just been told!

    1. We used an app in the end and it is Soapwort. Comfrey is beautiful. Arilx


A Quite Interesting Monday

I had yesterday off and we spent nearly three hours in a queue [the British do so love a queue] in London in the freezing cold. Was it worth...