Thursday, 29 July 2021


 By the time I got to Tuesday I could put it off no longer.....I had to go shoe shopping which is something I never enjoy, but several pairs of faithful summer sandals have finally given up the ghost. Starting with the charity shops there was either nothing in my size or vertiginous numbers that definitely only came under the wedding/Saturday night out category. I'm not in the market for a set of bunions to compete with Victoria Beckham's thanks😈 Anything else wasn't going to stand up to me putting it through its paces and it was going to be a case of buy cheap buy several times over. Thankfully the tale has a happy outcome and am now restocked courtesy of the sales.

Whilst I was pottering around I happened to notice how pretty the town centre was looking. I understand that the colour scheme was inspired by the coast and I think that they've nailed it. It particularly sets off the blue on the bandstand.



  1. What a pretty gazebo! I too need to replace snadals bought both bought three years ago. Had I not spent two summers workign form home, theywould not have made it this long.

    1. We have another one in our park too. Both are Victorian. Arilx

  2. That's a lovely bandstand. It looks a nice place to sit and people watch.

    1. I have often sat on the wall nearby and enjoyed listening to lots of different type of bands playing on it every Saturday. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...