Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Set of antlers

 That moment when you're faced with a spare set of antlers knocking about the place and you decide to adopt a "novel" approach to display them... no pretensions of emulating Edward Landseer's "Monarch of the Glen here. No...you mount them on a wooden head and then paint an anatomically correct body to go with it.

How about that for a fantastic piece of early 19th century folkart and, though I say it myself, a rather pleasant change from the taxidermied hunting trophies I'm more accustomed to seeing. This was one of the many treasures I saw on my first visit to the NT's Chastleton House. Vintage Vixen went there recently and the minute I saw it I knew it was my kind of place. It didn't disappoint.

Many apologies for my recent lack of replying to comments...usually I try to respond, but have been darting around or tied up with family stuff of late. Will do better!



  1. I loved him! Chastleton is such a treasure trove, I can't wait to go back. x

    1. He's wonderful isn't he. Made in 1819 apparently. I shall look forwards to seeing your pictures. Arilx

  2. I'd rather see this winderful piece-no glory in a mounted head or antlers. I'm pretty apalled by that to be honest.

  3. Abbots Bromley have some super antlers! x

    1. Yes they're really old too I believe. One day I shall get there....have driven past the sign a couple of times. Arilx


Saunter on a Saturday

 Our world has dramatically shrunk to twice weekly visits to the hospital. We had what felt like a major setback this week, but we did know ...