Tuesday 5 October 2021

Booking in

So with another birthday safely under my belt I now have new additions for the bookshelf. These are the latest tomes that people kindly bought me.....it should keep me out of trouble for a while!

I follow the author, H.E.Bulstrode, over on the Book of the Face as he always puts up such interesting material in his posts.



  1. That's an interesting group of books.
    The library website tells me I've already borrowed the cookery book but I can't remember it so might borrow again!

    1. I didn't know about the cookery one. All the others were ones I'd asked for. Arilx

  2. Oooh, one of my favourite recipes of all time is from The Green Roasting Tin: the coconut/ rice/ butternut/ broccoli number - yum!

    Curious England looks smashing!

    1. I am looking forwards to trying the recipes out. Arilx


Sun, Moon and Stars

I've been having fun with my fabric paints creating these small pictures of a medieval style sun and moon. They look a bit rougher round...