Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Fare dodger

Yes Mr GBT and I dodged the tube fare last week when we went up to The Big Smoke ...well I say "dodged" with my tongue firmly in the side of my cheek. Rather than fork out nearly a tenner just to travel a couple of stops we decided to enjoy the sunshine and use those things attached to our hips. That way I wasn't going to have to play sardines on the underground [I'm not quite brave enough for that again yet] plus we got to have some free exercise. Just as well really as I was fully intending to consume my body weight in cake before the day was out. I have to say that I did admirably on that front and achieved my aim effortlessly🎂 The other small bonus you get when opting for Shank's Pony is that you get to see some of the stuff that London is stuffed with......the latest selection of randomness for your delectation!

I expected this statue to mark some major historical event. Rather surprisingly it's the 3D version of the logo for a Belgravia drycleaners called Jeeves!

Around this area and into South Ken there are masses of very imposing red brick houses. This rather large eared figure is to be on the former home of Lillie Langtry. I know because her blue plaque told me so....shame it got her date of birth wrong😈

How about this one then for an impressive facade? I thought it was Art Deco and was a bit puzzled when I couldn't find any mention of it. To solve this little mystery I went back to the route of our journey and was able to identify it as the Ismaili Centre. I was rather surprised to find it was only built in the 1980s [by the Casson Conder Partnership]. It has had a fair amount of criticism levelled at it, but I find it quite pleasing, particularly the windows.

This is the "Twelve Responses to Tragedy" by Angela Conner. It's a thought provoking piece put up in memory of all the people who were imprisoned or killed by the communist governments after they were repatriated at the end of the WWII. It has 12 faces from children to old people peering out on all sides.

This one captures the colours of the season for me. It's part of the Belgravia in Bloom and this one depicts the return of the funfair to the wild. Despite London being so built up it always amazes me that 50% of it remains as green space.

So the decision to fare dodge paid dividends it seems.



  1. Fantastic. Once again, i lived there for years and never came up short on new things to marvel at. I love the topiary dog. F

    1. We don't go up very often, so it's always a delight to drink it all in when we are there. Arilx

  2. For one moment there I thought you were a felon. lol
    We used to take our bikes up to London and as you say you see so much more than the bus or train. Walking and biking enables you to stop jus where you want.

    1. Just only so far as not wanting to pay criminal prices if I can get it for free! Arilx

  3. The Big Smoke- I'll need a tutorial in where that derived from. As always, interesting finds off the main tourist brochure.

  4. It comes from the days when London was so polluted. Arilx

  5. You have a knack for spotting unusual things to photograph.

    1. They just seem to find me! It's helped by the fact that I'm rather snouty I think.


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...