Monday, 3 January 2022

A bridge over untroubled water.

 Making the most of the last day of the holiday today we ventured further afield and gave our NT cards an airing at Sheffield Park over in East Sussex. I think I last went when TYM was genuinely a small nipper. It's a combination of parkland, garden [the house is privately owned] and woodland walks [closed during the winter] and you can just wander about freely. Really it's most well known for its gorgeous Spring and Autumn colours [for the latter you have to book as it's incredibly popular], so it's really more the architectural structures and the evergreens/bark that bring the colour in January.

The park was bought by the 1st Earl of Sheffield in 1769 and surprise, surprise he called upon the services of good old Capability Brown to design it all. It remained in the Sheffields' hands until the 3rd Earl blew the budget and it all had to be sold off to pay his debts upon his death in 1909. One of his creditors, Arthur Gilstrap Soames, a man who had made his money in brewing, had first refusal on buying it when it came on the market and he made it his home until 1934. He was a keen horticulturalist with a passion for rhododendrons and trees. It has been in the hands of the NT since 1954.

Unusually for this style of place there isn't a statue to be had, but it does have some charming bridges. I took this one at a distance because there were a lot of children crossing. In one direction you can see across the lake to the house, but in the other there's a series of little waterfalls. 

A family were standing next to us and the two little boys noticed that people had been throwing coins into the pool below. With curiosity getting the better of them their parents explained that people did this to make a wish. Of course the little ones wanted to have a go and I was aware of the adults whispering that they didn't have any shrapnel with them. Now I've enjoyed the experience and wonder of my own child doing this and I couldn't deny them the same magic. Quietly I gave their Mum a couple of coppers and as I left I could hear how excited they were. Seeing their faces has made my day! 



  1. My comment got lost. I just wanted to say I appreciate your tours and others that share. You totally embraced my word for 2022-otherness. The simple joy you gave those boys and were returned with their smile is a terrific start to the new year.

    1. Thank you Sam. I enjoy sharing my little trips and photos of what I've seen. Arilx

  2. It's early of course Aril, but that's made my day too! Thank you!

    1. Thank you. It was such a small thing, but nice to be able to give something back for a change. Arilx

  3. I do love a Capability Brown designed garden, unusual that there were no statues but those bridges and the reflection in the water below are one of his trademark features. I think we might have to revisit one of his masterpieces tomorrow - you've inspired me! xx

    1. I did think of you as we were going round. I have to admit that it's not really my taste. I prefer lots of beds of flowers really. Arilx

  4. How lovely of you to give them a coin! That's such a sweet gesture and they will always remember it and the nice lady who gave them that! It sounds a wonderful place to visit! All those eyes all over that tree trunk!


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...