Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Butser Ancient Farm

This is one of those places you may have seen featured on television programmes, but not have been aware where it was filmed. Butser Ancient Farm is just over the Sussex border in Hampshire and is used to test out different archaeological theories by way of experimentation. The results of these have forwarded our understanding of how our ancestors lived during different periods whether it be what they grew crop wise, animal husbandry or how they built their dwellings.

As performers we were allowed in before the gates opened to the public so Mr GBT was able to snatch a few photos. Despite my best intentions I didn't wander far....I was far too nervous. I'm the one in the red coat sitting with the group of black clad people in the distance! It may have been gloriously sunny but looks can be was Baltic temperature wise I can tell you!

The site has reconstructions dating back from the Stone Age through to the Saxon which is the most recent project. The ones below are of the Iron Age village and the inevitable photo of us dancing with the roundhouses in the background just to prove "we woz 'ere"

This is the Roman villa and details of the interior. The farm run all sorts of fascinating workshops and it is an amazing place to visit to really get a sense of stepping back in time.

Further information from here


1 comment:

  1. I would love one of those thatched round houses here. I'd quite happily spend the summer nights in it.



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...